We Offer
Long Term Boarding
Truly unlike any other!
Exceptionally large rooms, big sunny windows, and so many extras.
Long Term Boarding Extras:
Twice daily: brushing, exercise, massage.
Weekly photo updates.
20% Discount on any food, toy, or bedding purchases.
Freeze dried treats twice daily - yummy and healthy.
Room Deep Cleaned every other week, including new bedding, fresh new blankets and rugs, and new kitty toy or feather.

So What Is Long Term Boarding?
At Whiskers, we define long term boarding care as a stay that is four weeks or longer.
* We offer twice daily amenities - at no additional charge.
* We send weekly photo updates - at no additional charge.
*We offer a 20% discount on all food, treat, toy and bedding purchases for long term kitties.
* We give healthy and yummy Freeze Dried Treats - at no additional charge.
* Your long term boarding kitty will be given lots of love and attention all day long.
*Your long term kitty's room, bedding, rugs and blankets will all be deep cleaned and replaced every other week to insure a clean, fresh, and healthy environment for your kitty.
At Whiskers your kitty receives so much more.
We understand a cat's need for cleanliness, exercise, interaction, entertainment and love, particularly when boarding long term.