Whiskers Luxury Cat Boarding Operates on a Per Day Booking System
Day of arrival, day of departure and all days booked are charged for.
A minimum boarding stay of 2 days applies.
This covers the cost of deep cleaning the entire room: mopping floors; sanitizing and wiping down walls, windows, doors, cat trees, shelves; and laundering blankets, rugs, bedding and toys.
Check In & Check Out
Normal Check-In and Check-Out is Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Special Curbside Check-In and Check-Out is available by appointment between 8:00 am - 10:00 am.
Clients may not enter the building before 10:00 am.
Please ring the doorbell. Kitties and supplies will be handed off at the door.
We do not accept pick ups or drop offs after 2:00 pm.
Thank you for understanding.
Our Cat Hotel Suites
Click on each photo for a video of that suite.

Peak Season & Rates
An additional $5 per suite, per day, during Peak Season.
June 1 - September 8
November 18 - 30
December 15 - January 4
We offer a variety of fun choices to make your kitty's stay extra special.
Catnip Animals - $3.50
Wheat Grass - $6
Pureed Churu Treat - $3
Email Photo Update
With 3 photos - $10
Spa Treatment
15 minute Massage - $10
15 minute Brush Out - $10
Exercise Session
15 minute Playtime - $10
This may include any or all of the following:
Get the feather wand or teaser
Chase a laser light
Fetch the ball, mouse, or other favorite throw toy

Feeding Options at Whiskers
We happily provide the highest quality canned and grain-free dry for $3 a day per cat.
You may even choose your kitty's favorite canned foods from our great selection.
Otherwise, you may bring your own food at no additional cost.
We have a refrigerator and freezer for raw fed kitties.

Vaccination Requirements
Cats need to have a current Rabies Vaccination (or vet release from it).
Cats must also have a current FVRCP Vaccination (or vet release from it).
The FVRCP vaccine helps protect against the following:
Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR)
An upper respiratory infection in cats, also known as feline influenza, and caused by the feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1).
Feline calicivirus (FCV)
Another common viral cause of respiratory infection in cats.
Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV)
More commonly known as feline distemper, and caused by the feline parvovirus.
We must have a copy of your cat's latest vaccination certificate for our files prior to your arrival date.
You may email a copy to us or upload your record when registering online.
Please Note
If you have an elderly cat (13 years and older), we do not require updated vaccinations.
We must have on file vet records showing the cat was vaccinated through twelve years of age.
In addition, the cat must appear healthy, particularly with no signs of upper respiratory illness.

Medication Information
There is a $3 administration fee for each medication prescribed by a veterinary doctor;
i.e., pills, gels, trans-dermal gels, suspensions, etc. This fee is per administration.
Cats that are on 4 or more daily medications are Special Needs cats.
The fee for this many daily medications is $50 per day.
There is no charge for medications that may be mixed in the food.
We do not give Injections or Subcutaneous Fluids.
ALL Medications are administered from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm only.
Medications will be provided by the cat owner in the original container, labeled with veterinary information and directions. ​
If kitty is on a complicated medication schedule that is life-sustaining, or your kitty is known to become upset in an unfamiliar place, please board at your vet – it is far safer for kitty to be under their care.
We are not veterinarians.

Whiskers Holidays
Come rain or shine, 365 days a year, we always have staff here caring for our kitty guests.
However, during select holidays we give our staff well-deserved time off to be with their families.
Therefore, Whiskers is closed for the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Good Friday
Independence Day
The Day After Thanksgiving
December 23-26